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Archive for the ‘Social Media Marketing’ Category

Architect Center, a Professional Community for IT Architects

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I’ve been priveledged to be involved in a small way in the creation of a new on line community (which is still only an alpha release) known as the Architect Center.  Check it out and the article that started it all.

My favorite quote (from the aforementioned article) made it on the landing page:

“Defining and designing complex structures is a common activity performed by almost every discipline, profession, and artisanship throughout the centuries. All the disciplines of old discovered that skills and knowledge required for the composition of large complex systems don’t match the skills that are required for small bottom-up assembly activities. In IT, the same problem became noticeable about 10 years ago, and the gap between core engineering and high-level system design has grown ever since. Grady Booch’s aphorism, you can’t build a sky-rise the way you build a doghouse, encapsulates the common dilemma facing high complexity, high interdependency, and low transparency projects: The sheer amount of detail required in complex compositions is so overwhelming that a function of analysis, decomposition, and abstraction becomes vital for the success of such endeavors.” — Miha Kralj